Saturday, January 2, 2010

Movement underway to ban divorce in California

To fight the hypocrisy of California's Proposition 8, John Marcotte, a Sacramento web designer, has started a campaign to make divorce illegal in California.
So, all those who vowed "Til death do us part," would be stuck with each other!
Since Proposition 8 supposedly protects the sanctity of traditional marriage, Marcotte thinks voters should have no issue with banning divorce. Such irony. This is a seriously satirical undertaking that makes Proposition 8 look even more nonsensical.
Marcotte, a 38-year-old married, Catholic, Democrat and father of two (who voted against Proposition 8) needs 694,354 signatures by March 22 to make this happen. At a recent "ban divorce" rally he held in Sacramento, some people sported signs that read, "You too can vote to take away civil rights from someone."
Currently, the U.S. divorce rate is almost 50 percent, but oddly enough, California is one of the six states that doesn't report divorce rates. Wonder why? How high could they be?
California has always been a progressive state, and "for better or worse" Proposition 8 makes them look ridiculous.
So, here's to "Til death do us part," California! No more divorce for you!
Oh, I forgot. You can always get annulments like the Catholics. That's enough hypocrisy for one day!

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