Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gay parenting 101: Unconditional love

When country-western singer, Chely Wright came out as lesbian recently, she expected her parents to treat her as damaged goods. And, as the only openly gay country-western star, she figured her fans would abandon her. But that hasn't happened.
On yesterday's Oprah show, Chely Wright said, "I feel like I'm about two weeks old. I had to come out to be whole. I had to take my power back."
Her father was in the audience and spoke of his unconditional love. "I knew her heart, her mind, her soul."
"There's nothing you can't get through," he said. "Don't close the door on your child. Open your heart."
Chely Wright is hoping her new-found openness with help other gays to come out. And her father's attitude is a bonus for her and an example to other parents of gay children.
"Oprah, you can't compromise your love for your child," he said.
Thanks Mr. Wright. You're a model parent of a lesbian daughter. Good job!